Your health status at a glance.

Molecular You

Molecular You is an app that gives you health insights based on a blood test.

How does Molecular You work?

Blood Test

Users will receive a kit and schedule their blood test.


After the blood test, Molecular You will evaluate the result and send the health report to the user through the app.

Action Plan

Along with the health report, Molecular You will provide diet, exercise, and supplement recommendations to improve the user’s health.

I lead the team that redesigned the customer facing web and mobile app that shows the health report.

To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted confidential information in this case study. All information in this case study is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of Molecular You.

The problem:

Low engagement. The majority of users only reviewed their health report once and are not motivated to follow the health recommendations.

The challenge:

Improve engagement. Make the report more informative and relatable to encourage users to follow the health recommendations. 

My role:

I was in charge of the UX research and UX design of the project. I worked with another senior product designer and with the head of product.

The impact:

Increased engagement for our pilot cohort.

We increased the NPS from 0 to 50+ after the design.

For confidentiality reasons, I have omitted the actual values for this metrics.

The demo

View demo


When I joined the company, the product team had already conducted user interviews and I was able to analyze the user insights.

We reviewed the analytics and discovered that after receiving their blood test report, users will log in to the portal or the app once to review and then will drop off.

We wanted to understand how doctors deliver test results to patients.

We conducted interviews with healthcare providers to learn about the strategies they use when explaining health information to patients.


User feedback

One common feedback from the user interviews was that the content of the report was overwhelming.

Users were not sure which information they should pay attention to.

The report was not compelling enough to motivate them to follow the health recommendations.

Screenshots of Molecular You health report

View prototype

Healthcare provider’s strategy

  1. Discuss patient’s initial concerns

When sharing test results, healthcare providers would first focus the discussion on the area that the patient was originally concerned about. Patients always have specific health concerns that they want to consult with their healthcare provider. If a patient is concerned about their diabetes for example, the healthcare provider will first explain the result that is related to the patient’s blood sugar levels.

  1. Discuss other highlights

After covering the patient’s main concerns, the healthcare provider will then also highlight other results that need the patient’s attention.

The healthcare provider might also discuss the patient’s cholesterol level if it is not in the optimal range.

  1. Discuss what the result means

To be able to make the numbers relatable to patients, they need to know what the result means in terms of what they can expect to feel in their bodies. Would they be feeling light-headed or get tired easily for example?

  1. Present a set of recommendations

After discussing what the result means, the patient's next concern is what they can do to improve their current health status. Healthcare providers will then discuss a set of recommendations like medication, diet, exercise, and supplements that will be beneficial for the patient.

  1. Choose recommendations

Healthcare providers understand that it is not easy to start a new habit. From the list of recommendations, they would usually ask patients to choose a habit that would be easy for them to get started.


Based on our discussion with healthcare providers, we discovered that Molecular You have two types of personas.

The redesign:

We took inspiration from what we learned from healthcare providers and applied the same strategy to how we present the health report.

  1. Discuss patient’s initial concerns

For the Fixer Franks, we made sure that the first thing they see is the result of the health area that they are concerned about.

For Optimizer Olives, they do not have specific concerns so they want to know which health area they need to pay attention to.

  1. Discuss other highlights

Next we present other health areas that also need their attention.

  1. Discuss what the result means

Next is we explain what the result means in terms of what they can expect to feel and experience.

  1. Present a set of recommendations

Next we present diet, exercise, and supplement recommendations to improve their health.

  1. Choose recommendations

We ask users to choose from the recommendations to encourage them to commit to the new habit.

How we got there:

Questions I wanted to answer when we started our design exploration:

Are there any existing framework or strategy of delivering health test results that works that we can take inspiration from?


We were able to discover that users are dropping off after day 1.

User interviews

By conducting user interviews we were able to understand the reason why users are dropping off after reviewing the report.


Using Figma, we went through multiple iterations of the design

Initial design iterations

User testing

During user testing, it was crucial that the data that we were showing in the product is relatable to the participant.

We designed a screener questionnaire that would tell us our participant’s health concerns. We then modified the health data in the prototype to match our participant’s health concerns.

We were able to validate that the strategy we implemented was effective in explaining to users their health report.

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All rights reserved, Marinela Poso.